Digital Media Literacy Report – Slovenia

Digital Media Literacy Report – Slovenia

The aim of this report is to analyse the results of a survey on digital media literacy among
youth in Slovenia that was part of the Erasmus+ project ‘Digital media literacy for youth
employment and social realisation’. The survey was distributed between February and June
2020 among young people aged 14-25. It was anonymous and several questions were
based on the digital platform This report presents and
evaluates the results of the survey and researches the specific country context and
contextual factors that influenced the results, such as national school curricula in digital
media literacy and national educational policies.

A total of 415 respondents participated in the survey. 87.9% of the respondents were born
between 2001 and 2004 (age 15 – 19), corresponding with the age level of secondary school
students in Slovenia, with additional 4.8% born in the years 2000 and 2005 and presumably
also secondary school students; 6.1% of the respondents were 21 and older and 1% did not
specify their year of birth.